HealthPlix MD is the first of its kind Patient Experience (PX) Management platform

Patient eXperience

HealthPlix is a digital health company with a vision to enhance the experience of treating and managing your patients especially those with chronic conditions such as diabetes.



Comprehensive electronic medical records of patients with full visit history

Email/Print e-Prescription to patients with your Signature

Data stored in encrypted secure servers for maximum safety

Anytime, Anywhere access to patient records for instant referral

Insights on your practice performance and treatment outcome

Improve patient retention and compliance to treatment

Earn additional revenue through on-going care
(Contact us to know more)

Doctor App

Seamlessly communicate with patients in a WhatsApp like chat without sharing your phone number

Easily understand patients' health context while chatting

Enable/Disable chat feature with patients as you choose

Patient App

Interactive Tips on Diabetes/BP/cholesterol to improve awareness

Intuitive logbook to enter BG
and BP readings taken at home

WhatsApp like chat with Doctor
(Doctor can choose to disable chat and chat feature will no longer be available to patients)

Support from qualified in-house HealthPlix dieticians
(for chronic disease management)



Secure Storage of Patient data

Anytime – Anywhere Access to patient data

Easy-to-use Prescription Module

Insights from Clinical data through analytics

Monitor patient compliance to treatment


E-Prescription readily available on Mobile App

Easy access to Diet and Health Coach

Easy way to share medical reports

Intuitive logbook to track Blood sugar, Blood Pressure at home

Interactive tips and health awareness feed


Patient Engagement App

Enabling unified view and personalised Diabetes Care for your patients

Image of Doctor App to treat Patients through HealthPlix App

Benefits Realized

Image showing Personalized Care delivered by Doctor HealthPlix App

Personalised Treatment

Unified view of patient health information that helps you personalize the diabetes care plan

Image showing better treatment outcome delivered by Doctor HealthPlix App

Better Treatment Outcomes

HealthPlix patient app takes on the role of a virtual personal care assistant

Image showing Patient Retention delivered by Doctor HealthPlix App

Patient Retention

You can review your patients even while they are on the go

Image showing clinical practice growth delivered by Doctor HealthPlix App

Grow your Practice

Patients have a need to connect with exceptional doctors and HealthPlix can facilitate this with you

Thoughts from Doctors

Image of Dr Hemkumar using HealthPlix App to treat patients
Dr. TR Hemkumar
" HealthPlix platform helps my practice. I use it to track my patients' progress"
Image of Dr Sharat Honnatti using HealthPlix app to treat patients
Dr. Sharat Honnatti
" I can keep my patients record handy anytime"
Image of Dr Leela Mohan treating patients using HealthPlix App
Dr. Leela Mohan PVR
" Good and very useful"